Ensuring companies finances
are aligned with their strategic
ambitions through clear
debt structures.

Debt Advisory

In the current climate, companies require the ability to be flexible with their businesses, needing a funding structure that enables change and adaptability with ease. Here at Cadre, we are busy helping businesses implement debt structures that are right for them, ensuring their company’s finances are aligned with its strategic ambitions.  


Team Leader | Tom O'Brien
Headed up by our Finance Expert Tom O'Brien, Cadre are poised to provide exceptional finance services for all of our specified sectors.

Our Approach to Debt Advisory

The majority of our clients are seeking debt advisory services to enhance their profit margins, increase a business valuation or prepare for a business exit.

So, whether you are looking to refinance existing debt, fund future growth, raise capital or raise debt to address shareholder opportunities, be sure that our team can provide the support your business needs to succeed.  

Assessing your funding needs

Before advising on or suggesting any products or solutions, our team will assess your funding needs. This will ensure our advice is strategic and with the business’ financial health in mind. While each of our clients require a tailored service, we generally work with clients to provide intel into what the debt market is currently offering, securing the right debt facilities and negotiating covenants and other terms with debt providers.

Debt Funding Options

Debt funding usually plays a part in a wider strategic ambition. We have direct expertise in securing finance through the following avenues; all of which we can discuss in-depth with you:  

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Banking, sole bank and bilateral facilities
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Alternative lenders  
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Challenger banks
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Invoice discounting/financing  
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Stock financing
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Asset-based lending
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Government support loan schemes
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Venture debt providers
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And much more

Make the switch today, book a call with Cadre.

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